"It's Excel's world, we just live in it." — jgalt212 on HackerNews
Learn to love Microsoft Excel, the world's most widely used software application in the office.
Join Simon Constantinides, Co-founder of Atrellus Business Services for a fully interactive working session on tips, tricks and useful techniques to make Excel the most valuable desktop application in your office.
With 1.1 billion active users, the average office worker spends 20 hours a week working with Excel, yet so many find it frustrating and only know 30% of its features and functionalities. In this workshop, participants will learn and practice simple and time saving techniques to make Excel truly work for you.
Topics to be covered:
Simple Tricks:
Customising Excel to have your most used functions together, and right at your fingertips.
Drop down lists and why we need them.
F4 – the most powerful key on your keyboard
Right click on your mouse – more useful than Left click.
Keystroke shortcuts
How To:
Create Data Tables and data structures within a workbook
Create Pivot Tables and Slicers from your Data Tables
Use great formulas such as Xlookup, Vlookup, Round, Max, Min
Write your own Conditional Nesting Formulas to automate calculations
Set Conditional Formatting to create a great looking spreadsheet
Write your own Macros in seconds to fully automate repetitive routines across your workbooks
Never see #VALUE! or #DIV! again, ever
The Power of Excel:
A brief demo of a custom-built Excel App, unlike any Excel App you have seen before.
Who Should Attend:
Senior and middle management, front line supervisors, staff who regularly work on MS Excel and want to improve their Excel skills and productivity.
It is recommended that participants bring their laptops to engage in practical exercises and enhance the learning experience.
The session includes 10-minute break.
Seats are limited. Booking priority given to members on a first-come, first-served basis.
"Member Ticket" is applicable to registered chamber representative(s) only. For the colleagues/employees from the member companies, select "Corporate Member Colleague's Ticket" to enjoy the member's rate for event registration.
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