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Save the dateSeptember 24, 201908:00 - 10:00 GMT+8 Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location


22/F, Hysan Place
500 Hennessy Road
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong SAR (China)

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Event Details
Event Details

This event is organised by the Dutch and Mexican Chambers

SME micro-lending in Hong Kong is hard. Considering that the start-up ecosystem here is very small (compared to Silicon Valley), we are lucky to find ourselves in a city where investors are just around the corner and very open to supporting entrepreneurship.

At this seminar we will focus on the possibilities to grow your company to the next phase. Often businesses are in need of financial support to grow to the next level and many financing options are available, but how to find them? Moreover, government grants and loans could help grow your company even faster, which doors to knock on?

We have invited Mr. Ng from InvestHK to open the skies on opportunities offered by the government. Furthermore, Mr. Marcus Cheng from Qupital, will explain how SME businesses can raise affordable working capital via short term debt financing. Transactions, such as factoring, allow companies to use their accounts receivable/existing invoices as a form of short term debt financing. And Mr. Sebastian Renzacci, Founder of Trip Guru, will outline and share their experience of how they have navigated different investment and venture capital financing rounds throughout several growth phases.

Expert Mr. Jeffrey Broer will be the moderator at this breakfast event. He not only supported several companies and start-ups to prepare for investment, product launch and growth, but has also written articles covering our seminar topic.

A must-attend seminar for all SME companies that are ready to unleash their true potential!

Registration Deadline: Thursday, 19th September 2019

  • Jeffrey Broer (Moderator - Founder of Kohpy Ventures Ltd.)

    Jeffrey Broer

    Moderator - Founder of Kohpy Ventures Ltd.

  • Charles Ng (Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion at Invest Hong Kong, HKSARG)

    Charles Ng

    Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion at Invest Hong Kong, HKSARG

  • Marcus Cheng (Strategic Partnership Manager at Qupital)

    Marcus Cheng

    Strategic Partnership Manager at Qupital

  • Sebastian Renzacci (Entrepreneur at Trip Guru)

    Sebastian Renzacci

    Entrepreneur at Trip Guru


Member Ticket

Includes light breakfast

Member Price HKD 150

Non-Member Ticket

Includes light breakfast

HKD 250

Corporate Member Colleague's Ticket

Includes light breakfast

HKD 150

"Member Ticket" is applicable to registered chamber representative(s) only. For the colleagues/employees from the member companies, select "Corporate Member Colleague's Ticket" to enjoy the member's rate for event registration.

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