Membership Selection

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Full Membership: Corporate - Start-Up
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Jun 30th
This membership includes 1 member slot(s)
  • Membership for companies less than 2 years old, commencing from the date of incorporation. 
  • The company is entitled to up to 2 membership privilege cards for employees (registration required).
  • Start-up membership is valid for 2 years and requires a switch to 'Full Member: Corporate' (size as appropriate at the time) upon expiry of the 2 years. *Please submit the company "Certificate of Incorporation" (CI) upon applying for membership. Click here to view a sample of the CI.


  • Any company that qualifies may apply for Start-up membership with all the rights of Full membership, including voting rights. A Start-up Member shall nominate one person to be its representative to the GCC (Corporate Representative).
  • The Corporate Representative shall be GCC's main contact and will receive all information about the Full membership via email and/or post. The Corporate Representative is the only person to hold and exercise the voting right, be listed in the membership directory, and receive invitations to exclusive events as well as all regular member activities/events.
  • Additional Corporate Representatives (optional): A Full Member may propose any of its employees other than the Corporate Representative as an Additional Corporate Representative. This person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Representative except for voting rights. An additional fee of $1,500 will be levied for each listing.
Additional Members
Total Due:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

Membership fees are non-refundable and non-transferable regardless of the cancellation date.